Mr Nordic
People Walking on Street on Sunset

What languages are spoken in Scandinavia, and will I be able to communicate in English while visiting?

One of the most common concerns travelers have when venturing to a foreign country is language. Fret not, dear wanderer! When visiting Scandinavia, you may be surprised at the fluency and ease with which locals speak English. This blog post aims to address your language-related questions and make your journey through each country even more enjoyable.

Scandinavia comprises three main countries: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Each of these countries boasts its own official language.

In this post, we’ll put your mind at ease by exploring the linguistic landscape of this captivating region. As someone who yearns to traverse the breathtaking fjords of Norway, bask in the rich history of Denmark, or admire Sweden’s natural beauty, you don’t want to face any communication concerns.

people sitting on bench near brown concrete building during daytime

Fortunately for globetrotters, Scandinavia is known for its high English proficiency and friendly locals, making it an accessible destination for English-speaking visitors. So, buckle up and prepare to embark on a linguistic journey through the land of the midnight sun! This blog post aims to address your language-related questions, cover the basics of Scandinavian languages, and provide some tips to make your journey even more enjoyable.

“Fortunately for globetrotters, Scandinavia offers a welcoming environment for English-speaking visitors, coupled with its enchanting landscapes and vibrant cultures.”

Scandinavian Languages: An Overview

  1. Danish is the official language of Denmark.
  2. Norwegian, the official language of Norway, has two main written forms—Bokmål and Nynorsk.
  3. Swedish is spoken across Sweden, as you might expect.

These Scandinavian languages fall under the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European languages, which means they have similarities that may allow speakers of one language to understand speakers of another to some extent. In addition, Finnish and several Sami languages are spoken in the region, primarily in Finland and the northern parts of Norway and Sweden.

women between two men sitting beside river

English Proficiency: What to Expect

Fear not, English-speaking traveler! The majority of Scandinavians are fluent in English, and you will find that communication should be relatively seamless during your stay. According to the EF English Proficiency Index, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway rank among the top English-speaking countries globally, with Finland not far behind.

“In major cities and tourist destinations, you’ll have no trouble finding English-speaking locals who can assist you with directions, sightseeing, accommodations, and dining options.”

In major cities and tourist destinations, you’ll have no trouble finding English-speaking locals who can assist you with directions, sightseeing, accommodations, and dining options. Road signs and public transportation information are typically available in English or easily understandable symbols.

Scandinavians begin learning English in primary school, which explains their impressively high fluency level. This proficiency also extends to other foreign languages like German, French, and Spanish, often spoken by locals.

people gathering outside building

Learning Some Basics

Although Scandinavians are fluent in English, it’s always appreciated when visitors make an effort to learn a few basic phrases in the host country’s language. A simple “tak” (Danish and Norwegian for “thank you”) or “hej” (Swedish for “hello”) will undoubtedly elicit smiles and make your interactions even more pleasant.

“Making an effort to learn a few basic phrases in the local language can add warmth to your interactions and further enhance your Scandinavian adventure.”

Besides the common expressions like “hello,” “goodbye,” “please,” and “thank you,” it might be helpful to learn a few travel-related words and phrases in your destination’s language. Here are some resources to help get you started:

  • Duolingo (app/website)
  • Babbel (app/website)
  • Drops (app)
  • YouTube (various channels that offer language lessons)


Scandinavia is a dream destination for English-speaking travelers, offering an incredible wealth of natural beauty, history, and cultural experiences. With the high English proficiency in the region, you can rest assured that your communication concerns will be minimal. That being said, making an effort to learn a few basic phrases in the local language can add warmth to your interactions and further enhance your Scandinavian adventure.

Last Updated on April 2, 2023

Mr Nordic

Mr Nordic

I'm a passionate travel blogger captivated by Scandinavia's stunning landscapes, diverse cultures, and Viking history. I explore offbeat destinations in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, providing authentic insights into Nordic life. When not adventuring, I share my experiences, photos, and love for Scandinavian cuisine. Join me as I uncover Scandinavia's hidden gems and magic!

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About Mr Nordic

Mr Nordic loves the Nordic. He travels all around Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden to find the greatest adventures, the most beautifull places and most exciting experiences. Here on you can read all about it. From food to living and from outdoor to culture, Mr Nordic covers it all.